The Hierophant’s attribution is to Taurus, the Bull. In earlier Renaissance Christian decks, this card was called The Pope. It is one of the two cards in the Tarot Trumps that contain the four Guardians of the Tree of Life, the Cherubim, (together with The World).
It appears to be inspired by paintings of Christ, as seen by the last image in this Page, Christ In Majesty.
Another important gesture is Christ’s “Sign of Benediction.” See Levi’s “The Sign of Excommunication.”
Notice as well the shift between the positions of the top two Cherubim.
As a pun, the phrase “Papal Bull” comes to mind.
The Mantegna Deck also has an equivalent card, Papa.
Lon Milo Duquette’s Deck has a special reference for 1° Initiates of OTO.
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This particular version of Christ in Majesty, or Maiestas Domini , comes from an illuminated manuscript published in 1220 C.E. It became the basis for the Tarot Card The Pope, and later, The Hierophant. Below are some examples from various tarot decks to demonstrate the connection. It is complete with the Cherubic tetrad in each corner of the image, which was also carried over to may different Tarot cards, including the World, (the Universe). Another important gesture is Christ’s “Sign of Benediction.” See Levi’s “The Sign of Excommunication.” Notice as well the shift between the positions of the top two Cherubim.
Also note the phrase “Papal Bull” in this context. This card is traditionally attributed to Taurus, the bull, and was originally titled “The Pope”.
The Mantegna Deck also has an equivalent card, Papa.