The Twelve Houses
(From Astrology, by Aleister Crowley & Evangeline Adams, pgs. 55-57)
The 1st House
The Ascendant
The person - his character, personality, individual characteristics.
The 1st House describes the individuality and temperament of the native; also his physical condition and appearance. It also describes all those things which pertain to him as an individual, irrespective of heredity, circumstance and environment. The 2nd House
The House of Ready Money
Personal property (especially ready money); sometimes means of support (in the case of a labouring person).
The 2nd House gives information with regard to the possessions of the native, and his capacity for increasing them. This does not include gain by inheritance or legacy, nor does it refer to his aptitude for business.The 3rd House
The House of the Mind
The mind of the man; brothers and sisters; short journeys, letters and messages.
The 3rd House deals, in the first instance, with the mentality of the native, and in general with every kind of medium through which he interprets his personality to his fellows. It also describes short journeys, by which is meant those in which his main interests are not involved, and which are undertaken casually. It also describes his brothers and sisters, near relations, and neighbours, in which term is included those acquaintances or friends whose connection with him is intellectual rather than emotional.The 4th House
The House of the Home and of the Father
Real properties; inheritances; the father; the grave; the end of the matter; may also refer to mining operations, shipping, hotels and restaurants.
The 4th House describes the birthplace and the home of the native. It further designates his prospects in regard to inheritance, especially from the father; it describes the father himself. A further signification is that of houses, lands and any property connected with the earth, especially mines. From it indications are drawn with regard to the latter years of life, the place of death, and the end of the matter in general.The 5th House
The House of Pleasures, Art, Love and Beauty
His love affairs; his children; his ambitions (distinguished from mere hopes); speculations (insofar as they spring from his real purpose in life).
The 5th House describes the affections of the native, his pleasures (including gambling), and the desires of his heart. It has especial signification with regard to his vita sexualis. It also describes his children. The 6th House
The House of Servants and Sickness
Servants; sickness; ambassadors; speculations; his practical intelligence (as distinguished from his intellect); may sometimes refer to his property (merely agricultural).
The 6th House describes the health of the native, and other things intimately connected with his body such as his food and clothing. It has also a very secret and peculiar reference to the occult development of his Ego.* It further describes his relations with any persons whom he may employ to serve him in any function, not merely domestic servants, and it indicates his relations with small animals, particularly domestic pets. It is further related, in a very special way, to agriculture, and also to any speculations which he may undertake exclusively for the purpose of gain without any idea of amusement. * [This remark appears to be a gloss on the traditional attribution of “ambassador,” which Crowley apparently extends to include the Holy Guardian Angel of the native, a reading supported by one of his unpublished chart interpretations where he notes: “the most important subject of the 6th House is personal prowess in Magick. It is for him to link his lower to his higher Will, to set the latter to drive the former ruthlessly forward, and as soon as this resolution becomes operative the concatenation of circumstance will bring unexpected success.”] - H.B.
The 7th House
The House of Marriage, Partnerships, Public Enemies and Lawsuits
His partners in business or marriage; lawsuits; public enemies.
The 7th House describes the partners of the native, primarily in marriage, but also in business and in any other affair of life which demands the cooperation of another person. It also deals with litigation, and describes any person openly opposed to the native. The 8th House
The House of Death and Personal Initation
Death; sexual affairs (as distinguished from love and marriage); his wife’s possessions.
The 8th House indicates the probable length of life as judged on the basis of the constitution of the native, and the manner of its termination. This house is that of death, and of life also, in the sense of the sexual nature as opposed to mere affairs of the heart. It indicates any gain which the native may have through legacies or bequests.The 9th House
The House of Science, Philosophy and Religion
Uncles and aunts; science, religion and philosophy; art and literature; craftsmanship; long journeys.
The 9th House is the house of science, philosophy and religion. It deals also with long voyages - that is to say, voyages to which great importance is attached, and which are closely interwoven in the main design of the life of the native. It describes his capacity, the nature of his religious teacher. The 10th House
The House of Fame, and of the Mother
The mother; business; profession; reputation; also ambition (when it is cold and selfish.)
The 10th House describes the occupation of the native and indicates also his career. Upon this house his fame depends, as also his rank and honour among his fellows. It describes the employer, master or superior of the native and his relations with the government of his country. Finally, it denotes the mother. The 11th House
The House of Friendship and Hopes
Friends; hopes; philanthropic feelings (as distinguished from human affections).
The 11th House is the house of friendships and hopes. It describes those persons to whom the native is naturally attracted, and the character of his relations with them. It also describes his ambition, but this must be carefully distinguished from his aspiration on the one hand, and from his desire on the other.The 12th House
The House of Public Institutions, Places of Order and Discipline, and Secret Enemies (Treachery)
Secret associations and intrigues; concealed enemies (including those with him); idle debauchery; dreams.
The 12th House is the house of restraint, and describes any influence which may, in any way, restrict his free Will. It also describes his secret enemies an dthe characters of any intrigue in which he may take part or which may be aimed at him. It refers also to any secret association with which he may be connected. It also signifies large animals such as horses, and the fortunes of the native in respect to them. Finally, it indicates any places in which he may be where discipline is the first consideration.