The Seven Wonders of the World

Each circle in this Image represents four things, a Planet (in the older sense, allowing for the Sun and Moon), its corresponding God, a Wonder of the Ancient World, and a Metal. 

G: Chronos (Saturn). The Temple of Jerusalem. Lead. 

B:: Phoebé (Diana). The Temple of Diane at Ephesus. Silver.

D: Aphrodite (Venus). The Tomb of Mausolus. Copper. 

E: Ares (Mars). The Fortress of Sémiramis (The Hanging Gardens of Babylon). Iron.

A: Helios (Apollo). The Colossus of Rhodes. Gold.

C: Thoth/Hermès/Anubis. The Pyramids of Giza. Mercury.

F: Zeus (Jupiter). (The Labors of Hercules.) The Statue of Zeus at Olympia. Tin.